Spiders Removal in New York

Even if you haven't seen a spider in your home, it doesn't mean that you don't have them. Spiders are excellent at hiding, but not all of them are bad. Most spiders will feed on other pests in the home, including roaches, earwigs, mosquitoes, flies, and moths. However, some spiders are venomous and dangerous, and you need to get rid of them like the Brown Recluse and Black Widow spiders. Most spiders still produce a bite that can swell, itch, and puss. If you have spiders in your home or place of business, call Pestology 101    today at   (845) 248-8800   to schedule an appointment. 


Most Common Spiders in New York

  • Yellow Sac Spiders
  • Wolf Spiders
  • Crab Spiders
  • Jumping Spiders
  • Funnel Web Spiders
  • Daddy Long Legs
  • Sheet Web Spiders
  • Black and Yellow Garden Spiders
  • Fishing Spiders
Common Spiders in New York

Where Do Spiders Hang Out?

Since most spiders are reclusive, they move around your house against the wall like mice. They seek out a water and food source and a mate. If you have a bed skirt, these spiders will use this as a ladder to climb up on your bed while you are sleeping. If your bedposts are pushed up against drapes and the drapes drag the floor, pull your bed out to where it isn't touching. 


Reduce the Odds of Getting a Spider Bite

Brown recluse spiders are very much reclusive and like dark areas, such as closets, under beds, attics, unused rooms, etc. Keep this in mind when you store items. Slowly start cardboard boxes used for storage into plastic tubs/containers. Make sure you wear gloves and a long-sleeved shirt, and the container tops snap into place. These spiders are not aggressive, but they will bite you to protect themselves.

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